Thursday, September 3, 2020

BHE 314 Mod 5 SLP Environmental Health and Safety Essay

BHE 314 Mod 5 SLP Environmental Health and Safety - Essay Example In such manner, this paper will depict and talk about a portion of the wellbeing impacts related with presentation of bright radiation. It is demonstrated by doctors that people can have useful impacts from limited quantities of bright radiation, for example, creation of nutrient D in skin pores. Be that as it may, visit and genuine present moment, just as, long haul impacts are brought about by overexposure to such bright radiation. In extreme cases, people stand up to skin stripping and expanding in the wake of blushing of skin that happens after the burn from the sun brought about by bright radiation. (Hanslmeier, 2006) Physicians have demonstrated that UV-B is one of the most ruinous bright groups that cause the previously mentioned burn from the sun in people. In addition, they have demonstrated that greater affectability is communicated by individuals that have skin of lighter tone, and subsequently, they go up against more medical problems. A portion of the wellbeing related associations have indicated that cornea and conjunctiva stand up to throbbing aggravation because of UV radiation, which is alluded as Welders’ streak. (Hessen, 2002) In Welders’ streak, eye doesn't go up against any changeless harms; nonetheless, defensive shade and external layer of natural eye is antagonistically influenced on impermanent premise. Some different explores have noticed that individuals experienced any eye related activities are seen as progressively touchy with bright radiation, and hence, defy more serious dangers of having a retinal physical issue. In such manner, various organizations offer eyeglasses and focal point embeds that can retain bright beams. Then again, crystalline in typical eye assumes the job of sifting bright radiation; notwithstanding, delay radiation may bring about unfavorable impact on ordinary eye too. Various clinical examinations have related dangers of skin malignant growth with overexposure of bright radiation for a drawn out period. A portion of the

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Ciudadana americana por servir en el Ejrcito de USA

Ciudadana History of the U.S por servir en el Ejrcito de USA En reconocimiento al servicio prestado an Estados Unidos, los militares no ciudadanos pueden solicitar la ciudadanã ­a Americana por un procedimiento particular. En realidad, roughage dos tipos de caminos, uno el standard, que aplica a casi tasks los militares y otro particular para profesionales a travã ©s del MAVNI. Adems, en este artã ­culo se informa sobre quã © extranjeros pueden servir en el Ejã ©rcito y cules child los posibles beneficios migratorios para los familiares inmediatos de militares. Tramitaciã ³n ordinary para militares para adquirir la ciudadanã ­a por naturalizaciã ³n El servicio al paã ­s debe haber sido en: Ejã ©rcito de Tierra, Mar, Aire, Marines y Guardia Costera, asã ­ como ciertos miembros del Cuerpo de Reserva y de la Guardia Nacional. Estos child los trmites que se deben realizar: Rellenar el formulario N-400.Permitir que se tomen sus huellas digitales y rellenar el formulario de datos personales B-325B.Proporcionar dos fotografà ­as.Poseer buen carcter moral.Probar conocimientos suficientes del idioma ingles.Aprobar un test sobre conocimientos cã ­vicos e histã ³ricos sobre los Estados Unidos.Y si fueran residentes permanentes legales, proporcionar una copia de la green card. Para cumplimentar estos formularios el Servicio de Inmigraciã ³n y Naturalizaciã ³n (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglã ©s) ha entrenado a funcionarios para atender especialmente a los militares que pueden llamar al 1-877-CIS-4MIL. Adems, cada instalaciã ³n militar cuenta con una persona especialmente designada para ayudar con este proceso a los militares que asã ­ lo deseen. Caracterã ­sticas especiales de la solicitud de ciudadanã ­a para los militares Los militares no tienen que tener presencia fã ­sica o residir en Estados Unidos.No agnostic las tarifas por tramitaciã ³n del formulario N-400.No agnostic la tarifa por tramitaciã ³n de formulario de datos personales y huellas digitales B-325B.En determinados periodos designados oficialmente como de hostilidades, los militares pueden solicitar convertirse en ciudadanos por naturalizaciã ³n de Estados Unidos aunque no sean residentes permanentes.Desde 2004 es posible solicitar, tramitar, realizar la ceremonia de naturalizaciã ³n y jurar lealtad a los Estados Unidos en el extranjero.Es posible recibir la ciudadanã ­a tras haber fallecido cuando militares fallezcan a consecuencia de enfermedades o heridas recibidas durante hostilidades, incluyendo los casos de muerte en combate. La solicitud de la ciudadanã ­a pã ³stuma debe ser solicitada por los familiares directos del difunto en los dos aã ±os siguientes a su fallecimiento. Cundo pueden los militares pedir la naturalizaciã ³n Durante tiempo de paz, la solicitud puede presentarse si se es residente permanente, se ha servido con respect al menos por un aã ±o, y se sigue estando dynamic en el Ejã ©rcito o se presenta la peticiã ³n dentro de los seis meses siguientes a dejar de prestar servicio. En tiempo de Guerra, cualquier extranjero que sirve en el Ejã ©rcito puede presentar la solicitud para hacerse ciudadano en cualquier momento. Una orden ejecutiva presidencial es la que determina en cada momento si existe o no esta situaciã ³n. Procedimiento particular para adquirir la ciudadanã ­a a travã ©s del programa MAVNI Este es un programa que se extiende anualmente y permite a ciertos profesionales que se comprometen con el Ejã ©rcito adquirir la ciudadanã ­a Yankee folklore de forma muy rpida, frecuentemente en cuestiã ³n de apenas unas semanas. Pero,  ¿quã © extranjeros pueden servir en el Ejã ©rcito de los Estados Unidos? En la actualidad, estas child las reglas. Y estas child las especã ­ficas que aplican a las personas extranjeras que residen en USA en situaciã ³n migratoria de indocumentadas. Familiares de militares ciudadanos que han fallecido El viudo o viuda, los hijos y los padres de un soldado ciudadano, incluidos los casos de ciudadanã ­as concedidas despuã ©s del fallecimiento, pueden solicitar la ciudadanã ­a Americana para sã ­ mismos. En estos casos, no es necesaria la residencia o presencia fã ­sica en EEUU. Asimismo, feed que destacar que el viudo o viuda de un militar americano podr solicitar la naturalizaciã ³n incluso si se vuelve a casar. Beneficios migratorios para indocumentados Los indocumentados que child familiares inmediatos de soldados, oficiales, reservistas o veteranos podrã ­an beneficiarse del programa conocido como Parole in Place que otorga protecciã ³n frente a la deportaciã ³n y es un camino hacia la regularizaciã ³n. A tener en cuenta Aunque tradicionalmente la participaciã ³n de los hispanos en el Ejã ©rcito ha sido second rate en relaciã ³n a su porcentaje en la poblaciã ³n estadounidense en general lo cierto es que en las à ºltimas dã ©cadas esta tendencia ha comenzado a cambiar, particularmente entre las mujeres. Y es que en la actualidad aproximadamente el 16 por ciento de los nuevos soldados child hispanos, sin duda atraã ­dos no sã ³lo por la posibilidad de servir a los Estados Unidos sino tambiã ©n por los beneficios e incentivos de los que es posible disfrutar. Tener en cuenta que si se toma ventaja e algunos beneficios, como es la obtenciã ³n de la ciudadanã ­a por naturalizaciã ³n por haber servido en el Ejã ©rcito, à ©sta puede ser revocada si el militar dejar de prestar sus servicios militares en condiciones no honorables y no ha servido con respect al menos un all out de cinco aã ±os. Finalmente, haber servido con respect en el Ejã ©rcito es uno de los requisitos que los Dreamers pueden cumplir para solicitar el beneficio de la acciã ³n diferida (DACA), esto para casos antiguos porque en los à ºltimos aã ±os no es posible para indocumentados servir en el Ejã ©rcito, excepto precisamente  los que tienen DACA aprobado. Este es un artã ­culo informativo. No es asesorã ­a legitimate.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Fast food automation system Essay

As common huge number of individuals merits my a debt of gratitude is in order for the assistance they gave me to the groundwork for this research paper. Most importantly I might want to thanks my instructors and for their help during the planning of this theme . I am appreciative for their direction. I might likewise want to thank my companions for the consolation and data about the subject they gave to me during to me during my push to set up this theme. Presentation Fast food computerization framework is a program dependent on C language. For the most part, in different cheap food shopping centers and stores we see various specialists working there to give various things to individuals. The leader of that specific shopping center needs to give them compensations appropriately. By utilizing this, cheap food robotization program the issue of laborers is decreased and the executives of cash turns out to be simple. C is a programming language created at Bell research centers of USA in1972. It was structured and composed by a man named Dennis Ritchie. Perhaps C appears to be so mainstream since it is solid, basic and simple to utilize. Besides in an industry where more current dialects apparatuses and innovations rise and evaporate throughout each and every day, a language that has made due for over three decades must be great . A supposition that is regularly heard today is â€â€Å"C language has been as of now supplanted by dialects like C++, C# and JAVA. This task is a program on cheap food mechanization framework utilizing C language. A capacity is an independent square of explanations encased between supports that plays out a particular errand. It bunches various rehashed proclamations in a program into a solitary unit and is recognized by a name known as a capacity name. A program can contain at least one capacities, yet the principle() work must be a piece of each program. It is the fundamental() work from which the program’s execution starts. Other extra capacities must be subordinate to it and to each other. Each capacity in C comprises of following segments: Function definition Function revelation or Function model Function call Function definition: It is the piece of capacity where the genuine substance of the capacity are characterized. It fundamentally comprises of first line which contains information kind of the incentive to returned followed by name of the capacity and afterward the contentions encased in pair of parantheses. Language structure: Ret_type func_name(data_type par1, data_type par2,†¦.. ) work { header Local variable assertion: explanation;

Least ost solution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Least ost arrangement - Essay Example Investigation of the Supply Chain Project shows that move focuses isn't essential or supported. The major financial factor which impacts the impact of separation on rates is the component of cost. In transportation, certain expenses are caused regardless of the real development per se.Products conveyed by Canbide are named generally safe items. Transporters are required to give associations and build sidings to conveyance of carload shipments to private sidings and to give group tracks for stacking and emptying. Exchanging administration for these tracks must be given on a sensible premise. As an issue of training, railways frequently compose auxiliary exchanging and terminal organizations, regularly on a joint premise, to play out these administrations. Since the firm is little and frequently firmly held, it isn't astonishing that the association of the engine transporter is the commonly straightforward line type with a progression of power from the proprietor descending through the association. The adaptability of the trucks additionally represents another significant favorable position, speed. While there is next to zero distinction in the total speed capability of surface vehicles (i.e., the miles every hour limit of trucks and trains are about the equivalent), the engine truck for the most part furnishes the shipper with better help in respect than slipped by time (travel time), which is a definitive proportion of time for the shipper. Transportation administration, in the same way as other different administrations or items, is some of the time delivered under states of regular expense;

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Butcher Shop Essay examples -- Personal Narrative, Descriptive, Ob

Around early afternoon on Thursday, my flat mate and I strolled horridly to the nearby slaughterhouse, or abattoir, where we would see a pig butcher. The structure we showed up at looked frightful on the school’s grounds. The abattoir remained solitary, close to the warm up area and toward the finish of an earth street. We strolled in and a female understudy welcomed us and advised us to put on a cover, a hairnet, and a hardhat. The room possessed a scent like warm blood. There were five individuals in yellow covers and white hardhats obligingly cooperating butchering a pig, which was at present hanging by its feet, seeping from its neck. I felt frustrated when I understood we were late, and had missed the pig’s demise. I felt my stomach bounce into my throat as my visual and nasal faculties were overwhelmed with blood. Having been drained, the pig was brought down into an enormous bowl loaded with water warmed to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Oblivious, the pig didn’t shout or move as it was brought down into the burning water. The bubbling shower slackens up the pig’s hair and nails, which are evacuated before the pig is butchered. After the shower, two butchers utilized switches to hurl the pig from the water onto the â€Å"Cincinnation.† Resting on the wedge over a monster egg-mixer on its side, the pig upon the Cincinnation was the most strange piece of the procedure. The pig spun around clumsily and savagely while the pleasant foreman showered it with a high weight hose making lumps of pig hair fly through the air. Venturing endlessly from the casting off hair bunches, yet not removing our eyes from the turning pig, the entire room appeared to shrivel as our center did upon the pig. My stomach’s nausea was gradually dying down as the pig was removed from the threatening Cincinnation and ont... ...he pig. In the wake of passing assessment, the laborers in yellow covers moved the corpse into an immense fridge. Inside a pleasant man revealed to all of us about Cal Poly meat. The meat delivered nearby is decision meat, sold at a decent value directly here in a structure close to grounds advertise. The creatures nearby are totally utilized for butcher, deal, or research. He had more work to do, yet disclosed to us he could discuss their work throughout the day. Having seen what proceeds to give us our meat, I felt much progressively alright with what I eat. The fellowship among the butchers reached out towards all inside the room . Seeing individuals take a shot at something that implies such a great amount to them with such enthusiasm was as quite a bit of an uncommon encounter as observing pigs butchered. The butchers’ certainty and fervor made for a remarkable display, outwardly animating and strangely inspiring.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Finding Your Place...

Finding Your Place... Applying to college is one of the most stressful experiences I have had to go through. Another stress-ridden experience I’ve had to go through was trying to decide where I was going to spend the next four years of my life. The pressure of picking the place where you’re going to spend “the best four years of your life” or “where you’re going to earn your degree” is overwhelming. So, I thought making a list of things seniors should know when trying to decide on which college they should attend might help. You may not get accepted into your dream school.   While disappointing at first, don’t let it affect your attitude of the whole college application process. Explore every possible option.   Look at a variety of schools with a variety of majors. Many students change their majors, so you want to make sure the school you are choosing is diverse in every aspect. Look at the big picture.   How much debt could you incur by attending College A instead of College B? Do you want to go to grad school? Consider finances, programs, location, size, campus safety, dorm life and food, class sizes/student-to-faculty ratio, culture, national ranking, etc. Distance is more important than you think.   Are you going to take a car? If not, how are you planning on visiting home? How often do you want to visit home? Illinois is only two hours from my home, so it is far enough for me to feel independent but close enough for my parents to bring me snacks and other necessities if I run out, or even just if I want to go home for a weekend. Make your own decision and be confident in the choice you make.   This is the first “real” decision you get to make. So, follow your heart. While it’s important to listen to your parents advice, it’s also important to do what makes you happy. Also, many people commit to a college the same day they get accepted (which is what I did), which may make you feel pressured to make a quick decision. Don’t worry! You have until May 1, and it’s perfectly okay if you need to take until that day to decide where you want to go. You’re going to be happy you took your time to make a decision that was best for you. Nisha Class of 2022 The first time I visited Illinois, I knew that it was the school for me! I am on the pre-med track, majoring in Psychology in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Why Nelson Mandela Was A Great Leader - Free Essay Example

A leader is someone who inspires others to work hard to achieve certain goals. Nelson Mandela was a very successful leader because he was able to use his power to influence others for the good of the country. Although he wasnt liked very much at the beginning of his term, he maintained an optimistic view always stayed determined of reaching his goals. Mandela was people-oriented and had high concern for people and their support. People admired him for his integrity, honesty and ability to motivate. Mandela followed Houses path-goal theory, by adding value to situations by using supportive, achievement or participative styles (Schermerhorn). This theory gives leaders the opportunity to select what specific behaviors are the best fit for their followers. Mandela was a transformational leader who was enthusiastic and inspirational while appealing to his followers values, emotions, and beliefs. A transformational leader also uses his personalities, character, insight to inspire followers (Schermerhorn). He made people feel that what theyre doing is important in order to achieve the bigger picture. He was able to change management through these two theories. After many years of political conflict in the country, Mandela was able to bring its citizens together with their admiration for sports. He saw an opportunity in rugby and even had a meeting with Francois Pienaar, the captain of the South African rugby team. He inspired Francois to win the World Cup after the team had taken some serious loses. South Africa then hosted and won the Rugby World Cup in 1995. This resulted in its citizens from different backgrounds uniting and taking pride for its country. He was able to bridge the two different cultures of South Africa together after a hostile period. Mandela was a effective communicator which allowed him to organize his followers at ease. He was a powerful public speaker, he knew exactly how to speak in front of large crowds without sounding condescending. He didnt use his authority to make the crowd fear him, he was able to inspire them instead. He always used the appropriate body language such as facial expressions, eye contact, and posture. When speaking to the rugby team at one of their practices, he took the time to learn each players name while shaking their hands which made their interaction personal. This resulted in a positive long lasting impression on the players. He always did what was best for the country, even if it wasnt the easiest or safest decision.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Crime Prevention Concepts and Theory, Such as Crime...

CRIME PREVENTION CONCEPTS AND THEORY, SUCH AS CRIME PREVENTION THROUGH ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN (CPTED) AND OTHER SUCH PREVENTATIVE PROGRAMS. First to start developing the item on the prevention of crime we must have the concept that is a crime. The crime can be defined as the action consisting of acting or doing, is a positive, which implies that the person or agent performs one or more body movements and commits the violation of the law by itself, or by instruments, mechanisms or persons. We can also define the action as characteristic unlawful and guilty. For the commission of the crime must exist: Will: The will, by the active subject of the offense. It is the intention itself. Activity: This is the do or act. It is the†¦show more content†¦Regarding Spanish analysts believe that the repressive activity represents a form of prevention, because the reality is that prevention and suppression are the same thing. Discovery leads irreversibly to the arrest, stated that they should involve the police in preventing some people avoid becoming victims of violations. We can identify these concepts THROUGH some speciali sts agree a common approach and review of prevention, on the contrary others diverge in certain aspects, taking into account both individual characteristics and conditions Every certain time, possibly years 5 and 0, UN holds meetings where issues are discussed prisons, juvenile offenders, victims, crime and others. The opinions arising from such claim to provide international solutions, for bringing together experts in various subjects to make their views known, so they are chosen for applicability to participating nations (United States). It is titled Resolution with agreements that are of a constitutional level of Member States. So is the concern of the UN and Criminology on the causes of crime, drug addiction, the processes that cause poverty, lack of education, economic and social development and that these end in the absence of evolution of nations and that generate large vulnerable groups. The UN is conducting its offices across the work of the antisocial and etiological ways to treat and prevent. United Nations recognizes asShow MoreRelatedCrime Prevention Concepts and Theory, Such as Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) And Other Such Preventative Programs1594 Words   |  7 Pagessome societies educational theory encourages interest instead of mainstream culture. It is very important that law enforcement understand cultural diversity. It is questionable if Sir Robert Peel, developer of the nine principles which is said to organize police departments whether or not would work in present day police activities. The culture concerns in society on the criminal justice system would explain in the community policing based on Peel’s concept of prevention. Many law enforcement agencies

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Changing Faces Of Violence - 925 Words

The Changing Faces of Violence Towan Cook Georgia Gwinnett College In essence, violence is the act of causing some degree of harm to your own body, property, or another form of life. Like many words in the English language, there is several definitions for one word. Likewise, violence has several definitions that depend on the perspective in which the word violence is being viewed. When looking at every aspect of violence, there are many events that at first would not be considered violent, but in actuality are very violence for instance, sports. Everyday somewhere around the world, men and women are paid to fight each other until a knock out or decision is ruled. Violence also is seen on news stations, video games,†¦show more content†¦One reason why there are so many definitions for violence is because there are so many ways to harm people. According to Violence: The Enduring Problem violence also consist of protecting yourself from harm such as, using a firearm to defend your family from an attack (Alvarez, 2007). Likewise, harm can be t ransferred to another through physical contact, voice, and other physical actions. In the United States the definition of violence has changed drastically over time. For example, it was not long ago that in the state of Georgia a woman could have been raped by her husband. When challenged in court, the Supreme Court of Georgia held that if a women agrees to get married to a man then she thereby, agrees to always give consent to intercourse (Warren v. State, 1985). Therefore in the state of Georgia during this time, women could be â€Å"raped† by her husband. According to the law neither crime nor violent act has been committed; however, the woman who was raped probably would say otherwise, stating that she was forced to have sexual intercourse against her will, which would constitute as being a violent act. Another type of violence that has been shown to have very negative results on ones psyche is verbal abuse (Gadit, 2011). The article titled, â€Å"Verbal Abuse: Does it l ead to Mental Disorder?† illustrates that children who are repeatedly exposed to verbal abuse often grow up with insecurities, low

Monday, May 11, 2020

Uniqlo Written Proposal - 1688 Words

Introduction to Business Written Proposal Introduction: This report is about Uniqlo’s competitive environment using Michael Porter’s Five Force Model. Uniqlo is a Japanese company which engages in designing casual wear clothes, manufacturing clothes and retailing clothes. Uniqlo in Hong Kong has established a profitable business constantly recording extremely high sales on a per store basis. Uniqlo offers fashionable and high quality clothing at reasonable prices, and was seized as an opportunity to establish a brand position domestically and internationally. 1. Existing Rivalry 1.1 Number of direct competitors: Gap, Bossini, Zara, Giordano, and Hamp;M are the direct competitors of Uniqlo. As the numbers of direct competitors†¦show more content†¦The clothes are fashionable, designs are innovative and unique. Also Hamp;M’s clothing style is European-style and it is selling the latest trends. Thirdly, Uniqlo’s clothes quality is not as good as its competitors because its suppliers are manly from China and as China is a developing country with the technology factor lacking behind. The cloth supplies are not of good quality. Whereas, Uniqlo‘s competitor GAP’s clothes are better. Because GAP brand’s Clothes are of good quality. Gap’s suppliers are from advanced countries like U.S.A and UK. Finally, Uniqlo is not using online shopping method. This causes Unilqlo having fewer sales. However Hamp;M and GAP have online shopping, which attract customers who purchase products online due to their busy life. Substitutability is higher because of this factor when customers couldn’t buy products of Uniqlo online they will choose another companies to buy from which are selling online. From these, we can see that Uniqlo have large number of substitutes, therefore, the substitutability is high. 4. Bargaining power of customers 4.1 Number of customers Uniqlo have gained profit by expanding its business in Asian countries. Each individual Asian nation continued to generate double-digit growth in same-store sales. From increasing sales, we can see that Uniqlo have many customers. And their bargaining power is strong, as their demand for Uniqlo products is increasing. 4.2 DominantShow MoreRelatedDebonairs Pizza Product-Market Expansion Growth Strategies27204 Words   |  109 PagesAssessments, for examinations The complaint will be logged. The complaint will then be investigated and a final response will be provided to the complainant within 30 days. A proposal, remedy or redress will be included in the response. Where the complainant is not satisfied with either the investigation or the outcome, a further written complaint may be made to the Registrar: Academic. The Registrar: Academic will respond within 30 days following further investigation. 6.5.3 Appeals (Refer to Appendix

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

No Treatment Or Vaccine For The Zika Virus - 1781 Words

Currently there is no treatment or vaccine for the Zika virus but there are antibiotics available to treat a range of bacterial infections. (WHO, 2016) The only way to prevent the dangerous complications is to avoid contracting the virus. The main prevention is to avoid mosquito bites since it is mosquito borne, especially for travelers. Some prevention methods include staying inside, wearing long sleeves and using insecticide. Many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean where Zika has been locally transmitted have restrictive abortion policies, and contraceptives in these areas are often hard to obtain. (WHO, 2016) So the only way to prevent the virus would be to avoid mosquitoes. US health officials are worried that the†¦show more content†¦Their results show that meteorological conditions are largely unsuitable for Aedes aegypt over the U.S during the winter from December to March, except in southern Florida and southern Texas were warm conditions where the mosquitoes can live year-round. Meteorological conditions are more suitable for Aedes aegypti across all fifty cities studied over the summer from July to September. Cities in Southern Florida and Southern Texas indicate the highest mosquito abundances and a strong potential for travel related viruses. Also higher poverty rates in cities along with the Mexico border may be associated with factors that increase human exposure to Aedes aegypti. The researchers aim is to look ahead at the summer months and help public health officials prepare for potential Zika outbreaks. The virus is not yet circulating in the local mosquito population yet. (Monaghan et al., 2016). The only cases are from t ravel and sexual transmission. According to the CDC (2016), â€Å"For local transmission to occur the Zika virus would have to be introduced by infected travelers or infected mosquitoes and become sustain in local Aedes mosquito populations.† Generally to summarize their study, cities with the highest levels of travel, the highest numbers of mosquitoes in peak summer months, and those that are in the climate range in which the mosquitoes thrive are the most at risk. The study does also note there s a chance, due to

Midsummer Night’s Dream Free Essays

Midsummer Night’s Dream was written by William Shakespeare in the mid 1590s and probably before Romeo and Juliet. It is a hilarious comedy and the plot conveys the creative genius of the great playwright. It is indeed a ‘comedy of errors’ where the mistakes of a well-meaning immortal being have the most unexpected and extremely captivating and enchanting effects. We will write a custom essay sample on Midsummer Night’s Dream or any similar topic only for you Order Now The characters are inspired from many sources such as Greek mythology, English country folklore and rich and diverse texts. However the plot, unlike many other Shakespearean plays which are inspired from older plays, is very original. The comedy is entirely Shakespearean and the signature style of the Bard is evident. The plot is made more interesting and the comedy is made more pronounced by the many literary devices and symbols used by Shakespeare. The most interesting of these is the effect created by the existence of another play within the play. One set of characters in Midsummer Night’s Dream – a band of Athenian craftsmen, is rehearsing a play they wish to perform at the wedding of the Theseus (the Duke of Athens) to Hippolyta, his beloved. The play that these craftsmen wish to perform is the most lamentable comedy and most cruel death of Pyramus and Thisbe. This paper attempts to explore the way this inner play mirrors the actions of Midsummer Night’s Dream. The story of Pyramus and Thisbe has been taken from tragic poetry by Ovid. Pyramus and Thisbe were young lovers whose liaison was not acceptable to their parents as they belonged to feuding families. They spoke to each other through a hole in the wall that separated them. One night, a lion happens to attack Thisbe. While she manages to escape, the lion tatters her mantle to shreds. Pyramus sees her tattered mantle and thinks that his lover is dead. In anguish, he commits suicide without waiting to verify his troubled assumptions. Later, when Thisbe finds his corpse, she also commits suicide. The concept of the ‘double suicide’ and the extreme tragedy that it creates has been used in Midsummer Night’s Dream to create an altogether different and an almost contrasting effect. Shakespeare has used the tragedy of Pyramus and Thisbe in a most unconventional manner so that it has the most interesting consequences upon the analysis of the play Midsummer Night’s Dream. We examine these consequences in the following parts of the paper. The most important effect that the concept of ‘play within a play’ creates is that it highlights the outer plot of the unfortunate events in the life of the young Athenian lovers. The story of Pyramus and Thisbe is a very tragic tale and would bring tears to the eyes of most audience. But the unintentionally hilarious portrayal of this tragic story by a group of inexperienced craftsmen, ill-suited as actors, makes a tragedy seem funny. Similarly, the untoward incidents that happen to the fours lovers are horrible and almost terrifying if seen out of context of the play. But by sheer genius of the playwright and antics of certain characters like Puck and Bottom, the tale is converted into something the audience can laugh at. Thus the inner plot (i.e. the performance of the tragic play in a comic manner) mirrors the outer plot (i.e. the almost tragic incidents in the forest presented in a funny manner). The Athenian craftsmen have decided to enact the tragedy of Pyramus and Thisbe for the Duke’s wedding. This fact heightens the comedy in a very endearing way. The craftsmen are not suited to the enactment of such a refined play. They are poor actors; they have bumbling speech; they have such ludicrous concerns about the performance that they create a very funny prologue for their play. They are concerned that the lion might frighten the ladies in the audience; the suicide of Pyramus might not be taken well and are also concerned about how they will create the effect of moonlight and the wall that separates the lovers. To take care of these concerns, they insert an explanation in the prologue of the play insisting that the lion is not real and the actor playing Pyramus is not indeed dead. It creates an uproarious effect. However, they mean well, a fact acknowledged even by the Duke at the end of their performance. Another effect of the inner plot is that it underlines the creative brilliance of Shakespeare. He uses the inner plot perfectly to mirror the outer plot, even as we find that the inner plot does not have any effect on the outer plot. The parallel inner plot just creates a comical side track even as unwittingly it mirrors the main plot. The play about Pyramus and Thisbe is performed on stage after all the issues and problems have been successfully resolved the main play is nearing a happy ending. The performance thus has no impact on the actual plot of the play. But the funny performance heightens the feeling of well- being created by the resolution of all the problems that the main characters encountered. Midsummer Night’s Dream is a brilliant comedy. The effect of the inner plot contributes a lot to the play. This complex literary device used by Shakespeare creates a riotous effect. Perhaps the brilliance of the play is accorded more luster due to this clever ‘play within a play’ ploy used by the playwright. The analysis of this device makes the play even more endearing as each reading reveals more subtle ways in which the inner plot mirrors the out one. That is why, perhaps, this play remains one of the most famous of Shakespearean comedies. REFERANCES (1)  Ã‚   David Garrison, Chapter 10 – Shakespeare’s Pyramus and Thisbe in Midsummer Night’s Dream, â€Å"Gongora and the â€Å"Pyramus and Thisbe† Myth from Ovid to Shakespeare†, Publisher: Juan de la Cuesta, Newark, DE, 1994, pg143 (2)  Ã‚   Jonathan Bate, â€Å"Shakespeare and Ovid†, Oxford University Press, 1994                         How to cite Midsummer Night’s Dream, Essay examples

Place, Non-Place, and Cyberspace free essay sample

The places we knew, may not be places anymore, things that are were made three years ago, are considered old, and we as human beings have been faced with a whole new world called cyberspace. In a way, this can all be very daunting and scary at times however, I believe that there is also a beauty to it, a hidden tint of silver lining to this grey cloud we call the 21st century world. In the up coming pages, a place, a non-place, and cyberspace will be defined, analyzed, and identified in the places we have seen throughout this master in Siena, Italy.Place As we winded our way through ancient streets, we came to a place that many of us had passed and not thought twice about the significance of It. We sat on the stairs that Dante himself sat on. This specific place was the Chaise did San Crisscross, which was the ancient public place in the 10th-I lath centuries, and is now one of the many churches in Siena. As we sat on these steps, the mind tries to wrap itself around the fact that Dante himself sat on these steps. That in a sense it is the same place where lions of people have sat before us, yet the place stays the same. The stairs have not been altered, the church has not been moved or remodeled to a great extent, the place we sit, is the same physical place that Dante sat and wrote, read, and thought. However, in the article Non-places, Introduction to an Anthropology of Super modernity, Marc Gauge says, Same things apply to the non-place as to the place. It never exists in pure form; places reconstitute themselves in it; relations are restored and resumed In it; (p. 78) I find this interesting, and at first hard to fully understand, UT reading other articles on this topic, It has become easier to understand the beauty of the definition.In the opening chapter of The Anthropology of Space and Place: Locating Culture (Low : Lawrence-Gauzing deed. 2003) it says that this interest in space and place is not accidental; it is necessary for understanding the world we are producing.. . (21 and I could not agree more with this quote. Just like all things, the definition of an anthropological place has changed over the many years. The French anthropologist Marc Gauge defined the first in 1995. Gauge wrote that place, can be defined as relational, historical and concerned with Identity (p. 7). In 2007 barbells : Bridge redefined an anthropological place using Gaugegs deflation as a starting point and said that, places are filled with individual identities, language, references, unformulated rules. .. (p. 3). Place, according to both definitions, is still a stabilizing factor for an individual and his or her identity. However, the place itself is viewed in two different lights, one as a stable material location, and the other as a hafting and currently redefined entity In virtual or real life.Nor-Place Just like all things, a place has an opposite, and that is the non-place. Gauge describes it that place and non-place are rather like opposed polarities; the first is never completely erased, the second never totally completed; they are like palimpsests on which the scrambled game of Identity and relations Is ceaselessly prevalent. If we know what a place is, then in the words of Gauge then a space which cannot be defined as relational, or historical, or concerned with identity will be a non place. (p. Gauge is clear that non-place, like place, is never pure.In other words, it is not that the airport cannot ever be a place, but that to the extent it becomes a place, it ceases being an airport. It may be a place of residence (for someone using its nooks and crannies as a place to live), or a place of work, and in that sense it may hold symbolic meaning. Clearly the word non-place designates two complementary but distinct realities: spaces formed in relation to certain ends (transport, transit, commerce, leisure), and the relations that individuals have wit h these spaces. (p. 94). Everywhere in the 21st century, has multiple non- places and they are multiplying as time goes by.As we moved from the steps that are a place in Siena, we walked just ten minutes maybe less, and we were at a non-place, the escalators. Here from walking and being humans, we stood, and became some what less human, we were not humans, we were a thing, we were not consumers, we were not students, we were, nothing. When I was on the steps, I felt a certain feeling about where I was, and astonishing feeling. The fact that I was at the same place that Dante was only undressed and hundreds of years later, it leaves an incredible feeling in ones person. However, when I was walking down those escalators, I had no feeling towards where I was, and how it made me feel, there was no feeling towards where I was. When walking through Siena you get used to being surrounded by incredible architecture, art, and monuments, but when we are in a non-place, you automatically have nothing to say, nothing to feel. You are not human, you are in a non-place, and you are nothing. Cyberspace. We have defined place and non-place we have been to both in Siena, yet one mains, the definition of cyberspace, and where to find it.In the 21st century, Cyberspace has been invented and has taken over. But first we must define this thing called cyberspace before we talk about what it has done to the world, and what it means to the world today. The author William Gibson is quoted to say that cyberspace is an evocative and essentially meaningless thing. According to Chip Mornings and F. Randall Farmer, who are both authors and software designers, cyberspace is defined more by the social interactions involved rather than its technical implementation.In their view of this word, and world, the computational medium in cyberspace is an augmentation of the communication channel between real people; the core characteristic of cyberspace is that it offers an environment that consists of many participants with the ability to affect and influence each other. They derive this concept from the observation that people seek richness, complexity, and depth within a virtual world. However, thinking about how people seek richness and depth in a virtual world, means that they are seeking these things, not in the real world.Does that mean that it is real? When entering the word cyberspace into the dictionary, one will be presented with the de finition of The electronic medium of a cyber space, are we truly the people we are in the world, face to face? One can lose, add, or change the identity of his or her person, in cyberspace, which means that you as a person are gone. In another sense, you yourself are not talking to another person, you are talking to a screen, and the person is not there. But when people know that people are not real people in this space, why is it so popular in this world of ours?I believe the reason why it is so popular is because anyone can be anyone or anything they want. If you want to be different then you are, the thought of succeeding in the cyberspace, becoming someone else, it is an alternate world, an alternate and other you, a different you. Nowadays, in the so-called information society, information is described as the best value: a perfect human being would be a free brain directly connected to the web, and without a body because it is considered as an impediment to the circulation of information. But what is considered as good today wont be good enough tomorrow.And improving the human being more and more could make it evolve into a very different human being, or even into a new species: post-humankind. For some pe ople, this is not a problem, because the goal is to be better than we are, human or not. But I do not agree with this, because I believe that cyberspace is making us lose something very important, social ability and social interactions. To be able to speak to someone face to face, to be able to make mistakes is how people learn. Yet with a cyberspace, and this dream to always be connected one can lose things when always connected.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

The U.S. - A Legitimate Democracy Essays (1401 words) -

The U.S. - A Legitimate Democracy? us a legitimate democracy The U.S. - a Legitimate Democracy? In any system which claims to be democratic, a question of its legitimacy remains. A truly democratic political system has certain characteristics which prove its legitimacy with their existence. One essential characteristic of a legitimate democracy is that it allows people to freely make choices without government intervention. Another necessary characteristic which legitimates government is that every vote must count equally: one vote for every person. For this equality to occur, all people must be subject to the same laws, have equal civil rights, and be allowed to freely express their ideas. Minority rights are also crucial in a legitimate democracy. No matter how unpopular their views, all people should enjoy the freedoms of speech, press and assembly. Public policy should be made publicly, not secretly, and regularly scheduled elections should be held. Since legitimacy may be defined as the feeling or opinion the people have that government i s based upon morally defensible principles and that they should therefore obey it, then there must necessarily be a connection between what the people want and what the government is doing if legitimacy is to occur. The U.S. government may be considered legitimate in some aspects, and illegitimate in others. Because voting is class-biased, it may not be classified as a completely legitimate process. Although in theory the American system calls for one vote per person, the low rate of turnout results in the upper and middle classes ultimately choosing candidates for the entire nation. Class is determined by income and education, and differing levels of these two factors can help explain why class bias occurs. For example, because educated people tend to underezd politics more, they are more likely to vote. People with high income and education also have more resources, and poor people tend to have low political efficacy (feelings of low self-worth). Turnout, therefore, is low and, si nce the early 1960s, has been declining overall. The winner-take-all system in elections may be criticized for being undemocratic because the proportion of people agreeing with a particular candidate on a certain issue may not be adequately represented under this system. For example, a candidate who gets 40 percent of the vote, as long as he gets more votes than any other candidate, can be elected?even though sixty percent of the voters voted against him(Lind, 314). Political parties in America are weak due to the anti-party, anti-organization, and anti-politics cultural prejudices of the Classical Liberals. Because in the U.S. there is no national discipline to force citizens into identifying with a political party, partisan identification tends to be an informal psychological commitment to a party. This informality allows people to be apathetic Print | Prev | Next if they wish, willingly giving up their input into the political process. Though this apathy is the result of greater freedom in America than in other countries, it ultimately decreases citizens' incentive to express their opinions about issues, therefore making democracy less legitimate. Private interests distort public policy making because, when making decisions, politicians must take account of campaign contributors. An interest may be defined as any involvement in anything that affects the economic, social, or emotional well-being of a person. When interests become organized into groups, then politicians may become biased due to their influences. Special interests buy favors from congressmen and presidents through political action committees (PACs), devices by which groups like corporations, professional associations, trade unions, investment banking groups?can pool their money and give up to $10,000 per election to each House and Senate candidate(Lind, 157). Consequently, those people who do not become organized into interest groups are likely to be underrepresented financially. This leads to further inequality and, therefore, greater illegitimacy in the democratic system. The method in which we elect the President is fairly legitimate. The electoral college consists of representatives who we elect, who then elect the President. Because this fills the requirement of regularly scheduled elections, it is a legitimate process. The President is extremely powerful in foreign policy making; so powerful that scholars now speak of the Imperial Presidency, implying that the President runs foreign policy as an emperor. The President is the

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Cinderella Man_Analysis of the Great Depression Essays

Cinderella Man_Analysis of the Great Depression Essays Cinderella Man_Analysis of the Great Depression Essay Cinderella Man_Analysis of the Great Depression Essay Analysis of the Great Depression In a world where every day is worse than previous, Jim Bradford manages to prevail and also inspire his community with his rags-to-riches career; which ended up awarding him the nickname Cinderella Man. This essay will talk about how many people in the great depression lived in poverty, how they coped by food rationing and through it all the persevered with the help of faith. The movie, Cinderella Man vividly describes life in the Great Depression; Cinderella Man gives us a picture of the suffering of ordinary Americans. We see unemployed men who are desperate for work, homeless camping out in Central Park and people lining up for free food. At first the Bravados are living in modest conditions with Jimmy occasionally taking up a fight for some extra money. Then Bradford breaks his right hand and begins to lose some matches so badly his license is taken away. These factors combined with the increasing price of gas and milk descend his family into grim poverty in the early days of the Depression. A scene in the movie after the family had moved into a smaller apartment shows the ever increasing pile of bills and past dues. Poverty hits any of the ordinary citizens hard, often unemployment and raised amounts of debts and bills threaten to turn many Americans onto the streets. Many families found themselves in a food crisis. The price of milk for many seemed unaffordable and out of reach because of low income, so most families turned to food rationing. A particularly moving scene in the movie was when Jimmy gives his portion of meat, however scarce to his daughter for her to have a fuller tummy. Also, an important thing was to find ways for food to last longer. Mae, Jimmys wife waters down the milk so that it could feed more people for less money in the film. The Bradford family found honest ways of surviving, however many resorted to less moral ways such as stealing. Throughout the entire film, Jimmy never wavers in his faith. Even when times seemed impossible, the community got together at church to pray for a better outcome. At the end of the movie, when Mae cannot stand to watch her husband supposedly going to his death she rushes to the church to find solitude with God. She is happily surprised to find a church full of people gathered to pray for her husband. She is touched to see how many people that he has inspired to fight back poverty and to show that you should never give up. Cinderella was a servant turned princess that overcame the barriers poverty with the help of love, Jimmy was a man who persevered through the tough times and won the hardest match when all the odds were against him. The film paints a full-length portrait of a good man coping through the hardest of times in North America, yet it still manages to bring the viewers eye to his good traits and how he kept his integrity throughout the entire film. Jimmy Bradford overcame poverty and fought his way through the denial of the people around him that thought he was not good enough. He inspired many to not waver in

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Dwight Eisenhower Fast Facts

Dwight Eisenhower Fast Facts Dwight Eisenhower (1890 - 1969) was elected to the White House in 1952. He had served as the Supreme Allied Commander during World War II and was a hugely popular figure in the United States. He was able to carry 83% of the electoral vote. Ironically, he never saw active combat despite his many years in the military.   Following is a list of fast facts for Dwight Eisenhower.  For more in depth information, you can also read the Dwight Eisenhower Biography. Birth: October 14, 1890 Death: March 28, 1969 Term of Office: January 20, 1953 - January 20, 1961 Number of Terms Elected: 2 Terms First Lady: Marie Mamie Geneva Doud Chart of the First Ladies Dwight Eisenhower Quote: No people can live to itself alone. The unity of all who dwell in freedom is their own sure. ~Second Inaugural AddressAdditional Dwight Eisenhower Quotes Major Events While in Office: End of the Korean War (1953) Brown v. Board of Education (1954) Interstate Highway System Created (1956)Eisenhower ordered Federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to enforce integration (1957)Eisenhower Doctrine (1957) States Entering Union While in Office: Alaska (1959)Hawaii (1959) Related Dwight Eisenhower Resources: These additional resources on Dwight Eisenhower can provide you with further information about the president and his times. Dwight Eisenhower BiographyWant a more detailed look at Dwight Eisenhowers life from his childhood through his time as president? This biography provides detailed information to help you gain a better understanding of the man and his administration. Overview of World War IIWorld War II was the war to end aggression by ruthless dictators. The allies fought for humane treatment of all people. This war is characterized by extremes. People remember the heroes with fondness and the perpetrators of the Holocaust with hatred. Brown v. Board of EducationThis court case overturned the doctrine of Separate but Equal that had been allowed with the Plessy v. Ferguson decision in 1896. Korean ConflictThe war in Korea lasted from 1950-1953. It has been called the forgotten war because of its placement between the glory of World War II and the agony caused by the Vietnam War. Chart of Presidents and Vice PresidentsThis informative chart gives quick reference information on the presidents, vice-presidents, their terms of office, and their political parties. Other Presidential Fast Facts: Harry TrumanJohn F. KennedyList of American Presidents

Monday, February 17, 2020

Economic Development and Poverty Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Economic Development and Poverty - Term Paper Example However, this does not fulfill the requirement of a national food banking programme. Initiating from Tamil Nadu in the year 1960s, the programme now has taken a huge form and is operating in all primary and government aided schools. In the sections to follow, pros and cons of the policy are discussed with a justifying case and future recommendations. Background to the Mid Day Meal Scheme The background to the Mid Day Meal programme in India was set when Tamil Nadu’s Former Chief Minister K. Kamaraj asked a small boy the question, â€Å"Why are you herding the cows? Why don’t you go to schools?† and he replied, â€Å"If I go to school, will you give me food to eat? I can learn only if I eat.† (Akshaya Patra n.d) This innocent answer by the child set the stage for the introduction of Mid Day Meal with its first operations in Tamil Nadu. The programme was covered under the aegis of National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education (NP-NSPE) and i mplemented as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme across the nation on August 15th, 1995. Elated with the positive response for the scheme in terms of school enrollments, retention and reducing hunger, the Supreme Court of India passed the following mandate in November 28, 2001, â€Å"We Direct the State Governments/ Union Territories to implement the Mid Day Meal scheme by providing every child in every Government and Government assisted Primary School with a prepared mid day meal.† (Akshaya Patra n.d) The provisions of the scheme were revised in the year 2004 covering children of class I-V and comprised of following provisions (India Government 2010): Cooking cost @ Re 1 per child per school day, Transport subsidy raised from Rs. 50 to Rs. 100 per quintal, Management costs @ 2% of the cost of grains, subsidy and assistance and Supplying mid day meal to drought affected areas during summer vacations. Again in the year 2006 revisions were made related to the calories counts and per child cost was increased to Rs. 1.80. Revisions regarding other nutritional contents are shown below in the table. Nutritional Content Norm as per NP-NSPE 2004 Norm as per NP-NSPE 2006 Calorie 300 450 Protein 8-12 12 Micronutrient Not prescribed Folic acid, Iron, Vitamin C, etc. Source: (India Government 2010) Objectives of Mid Day Meal Scheme The Mid Day Meal scheme in India serves three major purposes (India Government 2010) of: 1. Improvising upon the nutrition of children studying in class I-V in Government, state, local bodies and other government aided schools. 2. Bringing children of disadvantaged sections to schools by encouraging them to attend school regularly and allowing them focus on classroom activities through hunger elimination. 3. Providing support in the form of nutrition to undernourished children of primary level in drought affected areas during the summer vacations. Monitoring and control The supervision of the Mid Day Meal Scheme is jointly undertaken by the De partment of School Education and Literacy and Ministry of Human Resources Development. The overall control mechanism comprises (India Government 2010): Local level supervision The monitoring of cleanliness, timely procurement and distribution, wholesomeness and equity is done by members of local Panchayats and Gram Sabha representatives on a periodic basis. Transparency of information The Right to Information Act requires schools and centers to display

Monday, February 3, 2020

How Convincing is the distinction Dewey makes in A Common Faith Essay

How Convincing is the distinction Dewey makes in A Common Faith between 'religion' and 'religious' - Essay Example The development of such beliefs thus developed the concept of religion. Dewey explains that religion is set of cultural systems that provides for the type of relationship that exists between humans and their creator. As a cultural system, Dewey explains that religion has a set of rules and guidelines that influence the nature of the relationship that exist between humans and their supernatural beings. As such, religion is not a liberal concept since it has specific ways of behavior and communication that exists between man and his creator. Historical religions had ways of forgiving sins and seeking the intervention of the supernatural being in cases where the humans were in need. The unique characteristic that compels humans to eat particular foods, dress in particular manner and adopt particular postures during worship make religion dogmatic thus cultural. In his distinction between religion and â€Å"religious† Dewey observes that the society is dynamic, the fact that culture changes should influence the nature of religions thus resulting in the creation of equally dynamic religions that will consider the societal factors and features prevalent at specific times. In his argument, it bec omes retrogressive to confine people to a particular way of doing things while there are other evidently better ways of doing the same things. Dewey thus advises for the development of a religious society instead of a society that ascribes to religions. In fostering his campaign, Dewey asserts that the need to infuse faith and beliefs in religion is vital since it helps link individual to the supernatural being without necessarily having to undertake dogmatic cultural features. Faith is a belief; Dewey thus explains that the most vital belief hat every religion propagates is the existence of a supernatural being who is deserving of praise

Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Korean Consumption Behavior

The Korean Consumption Behavior Introduction The rapid economic development and the opening of the international market, Koreans consumption behavior is increasingly developing along developed countries (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan) consumption patterns. The opening up of the Korean economy led to the increased purchasing power of banks and this allowed them to recover from the 1997 financial crisis faster than other countries that were affected. When the country recovered, the demand for foreign products increased, especially for luxury goods. The Korean central bank claimed that nearly 20% of household spending on goods was made up of imported products. This was only for January, the first month of the year in 2002 (Don, 2002). In particular, Koreans of younger and younger generations are starting to become their luxury markets main consumers. Once a traditional country that viewed luxury items as impractical and wasteful, Korean consumers are now more in tuned with the trends in the luxury industry and are more wi lling to engage in status symbols competition with each other. Koreans could be said to have faced many changes over the last decades, which primed the economy and citizens for a surge in individualism now, and enhanced their pride in the ability to afford and buy luxury items. According to Nueno and Quelch (1998), the rising demand for luxury brands in Korea can be explained by the rising wealth in the whole of Asia and its emerging markets. The luxury goods industries, facing decreased demands from the traditional markets they serve, such as Europe, which at that time, was dealing with recession and minimal population growth, started to shift their focus on affluent Asian consumers who perceived Western luxury brands as signs or symbols of good taste (Nueno Quelch, 1998). Among the Asian markets, Korea was one of the markets largely focused on by the globaal luxury brands (No, 2003). As younger and younger citizens of Korean gain more spending power, they increasingly became consumer trendsetters. Specifically, the trends and styles they follow are the ones from the Western countries (Louis, 2002). Individuals in their 20s are becoming the dominant consumers of the global luxury brands available in Korea, outpacing the middle-aged consumers (Park, 2000). Global luxury marketers became aware of this and they started to form strategies that would specifically attract this demographic of consumers. This is a far cry from their traditional target market, especially since they also started to cater to the young Korean consumers who certainly have money, but can be considered to be only belonging to the moderate-income bracket. There are specific factors shaping Koreans consumption patterns when it comes to the luxury market. Specifically, the factors are personal values; social recognition and demographics of young Korean consumers shape their purchasing decisions in the luxury market. Personal Values The variable of personal values has been widely used to illustrate the underlying dimensions characterizing consumer behavior and received significant amount of attention of researchers. According to Vinson et al (1977), who empirically measured the effects stemming from personal values on consumer behavior, personal values play an important role in shaping consumer behavior towards specific goods. Sukhdial et al (1995) particularly looked at the effects of personal values on consumer behaviors toward the luxury brand market. The authors found that personal values are critical in determining whether a consumer will buy or not buy luxury cars. Individual values and social-related values make up the personal value variable. Individual values are consumer ethnocentrism and materiality (Ha, 1998; Park, 1999; Sharma  et al., 1995). Social-related values are conformity, vanity and the need for uniqueness. All these variables are discussed below. Consumer Ethnocentrism The variable of ethnocentrism determined the consumer behavior of Koreans with regard to luxury goods. Previous research illustrated that individuals who are highly ethnocentric are those with greater affinity with overseas products, which are produced and manufactured within culturally similar countries. As such, a high level of ethnocentrism discourages Koreans from purchasing global luxury brands. According to Shimp and Sharma (1987), consumer ethnocentrism can be defined as the beliefs held by American consumers about the appropriateness, indeed morality, of purchasing foreign-made products (p. 280). Various literature have expounded on the role of consumer ethnocentrism with regard to the behavior and attitudes of consumers when it comes to goods imported abroad (Shimp and Sharma, 1987; Durvsula  et al., 1997; Brodowsky, 1998). Studies are also aware of the significant role that consumer ethnocentrism plays on consumer behavior when dealing with products made abroad; as such, they focus on the possible impacts with regard to the evaluation of the products manufactured in countries of cultural similarity on consumer behavior (Watson and Wright, 2000). There are also studies that determined the product-specific impacts of foreign-made products (Kim and Pysarchik, 2000), and impact on foreign brand personality (Supphellen and Grà ¸nhaug, 2003). Some studies specifically looked at Korean consumers behavior as affected by their level of ethnocentrism. Some studies (Ha, 1998; Park, 1999; Sharma  et al., 1995) illustrated negative influence effects of consumer ethnocentrism on purchasing imports. Those with high level of consumer ethnocentrism are more likely to shun foreign-made goods. In addition, Park (1999) determined the critical influence of consumer ethnocentrism on attitudes toward imported clothing in the Korean market. The study found that there is a negative relationship between consumer ethnocentrism and attitudes toward when it comes to buying global luxury brands. Materialism Materialism refers to a persons penchant for accumulating goods and money. Some cultures view this trait as positive and desirable (Diener Biswas-Diener, 2002). According to Belk (1984, 1985), materialism is a personality-like trait that differentiates a person when it comes to his or her possessions. A materialistic person will view possessions as essential to their identities and survival, while a non-materialistic person will view these possessions as secondary or even worthless. Richins and Dowson (1992) claimed that materialism refers to a group of centrally-held notions about the significance of possessions and their roles in ones life. As such, being materialistic propels an individual to acquire more and more material objects. Under this definition, Richins and Dowson (1992) stated that materialism is a key factor that shapes an individuals consumption behavior and patterns, especially the type and quantity of goods they would buy. As consumption patterns also became globalized, consumption behavior became largely shaped by transitional and multinational firms marketing efforts. Consumers worldwide are becoming more material as they start having difficulties discerning which is a need and which is a want. Global marketing efforts make it hard for consumers to believe that they can forego something they want. One pattern that emerged is that people start to value material lifestyles and value well-known/popular brands that showcase their prosperity (Solonom, 2004). With their market doors expanding to global trade, and with their disposable income increasing, Korean consumers are one of the prime examples of such consumers. Koreans are now in the brink of materialism. They want the lifestyle that is being portrayed by the media that are highly fictional, romanticized and dramatized. According to Yoon (2003), spreading of materialism among the Koreans, particularly the younger generations, has been conspicuous starting from 1995. Nearly two decades later, it can be observed that Koreans are increasingly viewing money as the representation and sign of success, and as a result, are increasingly attracted to global luxury brands, which are the epitome of wealth and achievement in life. They buy these goods merely to show off to others. Specific studies such as the ones by Fournier and Richins (1991), Richins (1994) and Wong (1997), have illustrated the significant and positive relationship between that of materialism and conspicuous consumption. According to these studies, materialism encourages success-orientated consumption and purchase of goods. Fournier and Richins claimed that two causes for increased level of materialism is the idea that one can display his or her status through his or her possessions and the idea that they can affirm themselves through these possessions. According to Richins (1994), individuals who are highly materialistic have higher tendencies to put more importance of expensive goods and would be the ones most likely to publicly display these items to show their success and social status. Bearden and Etzel (1992) categorized goods into publicly-consumed and privately-consumed. Wong (1997) took these categories and performed a study to determine which category will be prone to conspicuous consumption. Wong found that individuals are more materialistic towards publicly consumed goods and therefore, these goods are more likely to be consumed conspicuously. Public goods are the goods that can be used or consumed in public view and not commonly owned or used, such as household items. Global luxury fashion brands are one of the top goods in the public goods category, which is why materialistic individuals will put prime importance into the acquisition of these brands or goods. Materialists would consume these goods primarily for displaying them publicly so as to announce their status and successes in life. In this light, Ziccardi (2001) defined luxury brands as less about the item, and more about the brand and what it stands for. Koreans, especially the young ones can be considered the ones who are status-oriented, and would showcase this personality through their possessions. According to Wong (1997), comparing East Asian consumers with American consumers, it can be said that East Asian consumers are the ones more materialistic. American subjects buy these expensive goods not because they are putting prime emphasis on the public meaning of luxury consumption, unlike their East Asian counterparts (Wong Ahuvia, 1998). Most studies used the concept of materialism to pinpoint that Asian consumers, who are shaped by the value of collectivism will more sensitive to the public meaning of luxury consumption than did Western consumers, and this will influence their buying patterns. As such, materialism promotes Koreans purchasing intentions toward global luxury brands. Conformity Literature claimed that conformity is one of the most significant factors shaping purchasing patterns when it comes to publicly consumed products. As such, Wong and Ahuvia (1998) put forward that consumers in Confucian culture are more likely to purchase luxury good based public reputation of the members of the group they belong to in comparison to their Western counterparts. Therefore, conformity promotes purchasing intentions of Koreans toward global luxury brands. According to Bearden and Etzel (1982),, reference group influences are different between publicly and privately consumed goods as well as between luxuries and basic necessities. Conformity is described as one of the most significant factors shaping publicly consumed goods. Taking this into consideration, Wong and Ahuvia (1998) claimed that those who abide by the Confucian culture will be those who are likely to put a great deal on the effects of their consumption of luxuries. When it comes to fashion, an earlier study by Rose et al (1994), claimed that individuals who have higher level of conformity will be those who are likely to consume clothing and display the brand out to the public. It is easy to assume that conformity is one of the most important predictors of buying luxury brands, particularly for fashion brands. Wong and Ahuvia (1998) differentiated luxury consumptions between Confucian and Western countries. They found that although both groups consume conspicuously luxury g oods, Americans buy luxury products because of their personal preferences, while those in East Asia, buy these goods because they want to conform to specific social norms. They also found that Southeast Asian consumers put greater emphasis on publicly-visible items because of their attached symbolic meanings and values. This suggests that East Asian consumers, who experience higher pressure to conform are more likely to buy publicly-visible luxury items, because they perceive these goods as directly representing their wealth and success. According to Lacsu and Zinhan (1999), East Asian consumers are more likely to buy luxury items, especially those that have social visibility. Because luxury goods shout success and wealth, and are especially different from mass market products, East Asians are more likely to conform to social pressure and experience higher drive to purchase these brands. The need for Uniqueness According to Workman and Kidd (2000), an individuals need for uniqueness significantly affects his or her behavior toward luxury fashion brands. According to Tian  et al.  (2001, p. 52) uniqueness is an important factor in consumer behavior. Uniqueness is defined as the trait of pursuing differentness relative to others through the acquisition, utilization, and disposition of consumer goods for the purpose of developing and enhancing ones self-image and social image. According to literature, consumers self and social image are largely derived from the symbolic meanings they attach to the products they purchase (Tian  et al., 2001). Therefore, consumers wanted something not generic and very similar to others. Luxury products have the great power of inducing the feeling of uniqueness among consumers. Aside from being insanely expensive, and the fact that all of them reigns worldwide, they are reputed to be of incomparable quality, having legions of counterfeits under their names. After all, imitation is the best form of flattery. One word to describe these luxury brands is iconic. Take for example, Gucci and its red and green stripes, these may just be your ordinary logo, but no, everyone wants a piece of it. The brand offers high fashion yet very commercial items, which is why everyone loves it. Chanel on the other hand as the next brand favored by most luxury consumers, is observed to stay in this position and relevant to the industry because it has a host of classically stylish goods. Koreans need for uniqueness promotes purchasing intentions toward global luxury brands. Those vying for uniqueness in their possessions are those more likely to be attracted to luxury goods, because uniqueness is precisely what luxury brands seem to offer to the consumers. There are many factors that verify this. First, luxury brands limited quality enables the buyers to feel unique and distinctive from others who use mass market products (Burns Brandy, 2001). According to Tian and Mckenzie (2001), those who value uniqueness are attracted to luxury products because they are scarce and they would not find just anyone owning the same. In this regard, luxury brands endeavor to preserve their uniqueness by not producing too many of the same design so as to avoid over-diffusion. This makes them very different from the mass market products. According to Dubous and Paternault (1995), employing an empirical test showed that consumers are attracted to luxury products through awareness, and negatively attracted through diffusion, which is a paradox under luxury brand management. Consumers are aware that luxury brands strive to uphold their prestige by being endorsed expensively by popular people, but they are not made to be owned by many people. As such, consumers need for uniqueness find that luxury products satisfy this need. Korean consumers general perception of foreign luxury brands in general follows this line of thought. They perceive that owning luxury brands differentiate them from others and make them unique because not all will have the same kind or brand. Even with the influx of global luxury brands in the Korean market, Korean market still have this notion that luxury brands are hard to access, and having it will make them one of a kind, because luxury goods have scarcity value. According to Gluck (2002), young Korean consumers purchase apparel and other fashion items in which they can use to express their individuality amidst a rather uniform society. Young consumers in Korea believe that they can express their uniqueness using foreign brands with scarcity value, which as a result, boosted demand for luxury brands in the Korean market. In addition, because luxury goods are globally characterized as having recognizable styles and designs, it is easy to showcase their uniqueness, social status and success even across the world. Young consumers are attracted to luxury goods to the promise of uniqueness as well as giving them a boost in their social images. Vanity According to Netemeyer  et al.  (1995, p. 612), vanity is the excessive concern for, and/or a positive (and perhaps inflated) view of, ones physical appearance and achievement vanity as an excessive concern for, and/or a positive (and perhaps inflated) view of, ones personal achievements. Vanity is the concern of an individual with his or her physical appearance because they use it to convey social status. As such, people who are vain will engage more in conspicuous consumption because this can show off their physical appearance and status (Netemeyer  et al., 1995). As of now however, no study has yet determined the relationship between vanity and fashion luxury consumption. However, it is hypothesized that Korean consumers vanity promotes purchasing global  luxury fashion brands. According to Durvasula et al (2001), vanity is described as ones strong emphasis toward ones outward appearance such as being overly concerned and fretful over ones clothing, from the style, to the quality and to the brand. According to Durvasula and his colleagues (2001), a persons belief or perception that others are looking at how he or she dresses, or what kind of luxury brands he or she carries, this will shape his or her decision in purchasing luxury brands. Social recognition therefore plays the key in individuals decision to purchase luxury brands. Social recognition Although personal values such as materialism and conformity can stimulate individuals to purchase luxury goods because of what they represent and symbolize, they might not be the only factors why luxury goods consumers are attracted to these products and brands. According to Nueno and Quelch (1998), consumers feel that owning luxury brands allow for information to spread with regard to the owners social status. These luxury products can help the consumers say what they cannot publicly announce, which I that they are wealthy and successful. The ownership of these goods allows them to claim their social status and prestige without saying it outright. Consumers believe that the nature of the global luxury brands allows others to recognize the brands and this will be a vehicle for the owner to communicate to others their success. This nature plays a crucial role in shaping ones decision to purchase luxury brands. In particular, Koreans view global luxury brands as the embodiment of prosp erity and social status, which is not really that different from the perception of the Westerners. Because others will recognize one brand, consumers will experience higher intention of buying this brand. Demographics Demographics play an important role in the purchasing decision of consumers when it comes luxury goods. Demographics include age, income and purchasing frequency. According to Louis (2002), younger people are more attracted to luxury goods and what they offer. In Korea, the younger generations are those who have higher purchasing intentions when it comes to global luxury goods. They are what most lable as consumer trendsetters and they try to uphold this image, by having the IT things According to Dubous and Duquesne (1993), income is a very important factor when it comes to luxury goods purchases. As widely known, luxury goods are not cheap. Therefore, monthly income or at least monthly pocket money of the young people plays a significant determinant. By having the means, consumers will be more inclined to buy luxury goods. Once consumers become loyal to a brand, it is already easy for firms to market the goods to them. In fact, it has been said that attracting new consumers are more difficult than maintaining existing ones in the industry of luxury goods. Veblens theory and East Asian consumption patterns (projections in South Korea) Emergence of the mass production phenomenon in the modern era allowed for economic crises, the resolution of which should be through mass distribution and mass advertisement. A direct consequence is the transforming of the household from being a unit of production to that of a unit of consumption (Kearl Gordon, 1992). This transformation also led to a new form of consumer ethic, which replaced Webers Protestant ethic of self-discipline. It also goes against the principles put forward by Weber, such as purposeful activity, delayed gratification and thrift. In this modern era, different patterns of over spending can be observed such as: orgy of spending (McKendrick et al., 1982), hedonism (Bell 1980; Campbell 1987); impulse spending (Kearl and Gordon 1992), and then the different marketing promos and strategies of firms to make people buy such as, buy now, pay later and more others (Packard 1957). It can be said that majority of these characterizations can be explained by Veblens (197 9) and Simmels (1904, 1950) seminal work on modern consumerism. Veblens most well-known principle related to his term conspicuous consumption which describes the unnecessary purchase of services and goods which are bought for the sole focus of displaying and advertising wealth. This is done in the endeavor to maintain or attain a certain level of social status. Such goods are now collectively known as Veblen goods, which is a group of commodities. The fact that these goods are placed at such high prices is the very thing that makes them attractive to conspicuous consumers. Conspicuous consumption was certainly not limited to the western countries, in East Asia, for example, girls in affluent families would have their feet broken and tightly bound so that they grew to have tiny lotus feet.  Ã‚  These were thought to be very fashionable since the women who had them were unable to survive without the help of servants. This was a sign of wealth taken to the extreme. Today, there are still many examples of conspicuous consumption and the studies on general modern consumption are so intricate, that almost all walks of life are targeted with todays mass media. Adverts and billboards are everywhere telling the public whats cool and whats not. Brands like Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Moet Chandon sell a lifestyle. Moet Chandon advert states Be Fabulous and shows two beautiful well-dressed women climbing out of an expensive car with a bottle of champagne in one womans hand. An advertisement like this is basically trying to show the public what status could be achieved by purchasing a bottle of Moet Chandon. The term Keeping up with the Joneses comes to mind, as studies show that many consumers purchase goods just to show off and maintain a certain status amongst their friends. Veblen goods arent just restricted to clothes as the purchase of certain magazines, purely for the status they offer. Being seen reading a magazine like Robb Report or Conde Nasts traveller may give the impression that one can afford what is featured in the magazine. Veblen also spoke about the way dress can prove many things. The wearer can give an impression that they can spend without much thought on the price. Veblen goods are still very much around, such as designer handbags, expensive wines and thousand-dollar watches. The luxury watch is an ultimate example of a Veblen good as the consumer really buys into the allure of a higher status. Companies like Rolex, TAG Heur and Omega have all used celebrities such as Roger Federer, Leonardo DiCaprio and Daniel Craig in his bond suit. Even though its purpose is very practical and can help with everyday decision making. These watches are aimed a business men with a high salary who identify or would like to identify with the sports star s and actors wearing these watches at the back of TIME magazine and the like. A Louis Vuitton bag for example just wouldnt be viewed the same without the high price tag. Todays fast fashion and mass production also encourages conspicuous consumption. However mass production has changed the outlook on mans life and has created a singular type of existence which can be viewed as almost humiliating and that the products are what drives man. The trends we see from designers on catwalks are translated as quickly as possible into high street stores. It is not surprising that with the emphasis on keeping up with the latest trends, which ties into fitting in with society consumption of clothes has reached an all-time high. The quality of clothes however, is less of a feature than the over-all look of the item. In the Victorian times, garments had to be made of the best lace, but with todays technology, garments can be made to look more expensive than they really are. Keeping up-to trend with accessories such and bags and shoes is still very expensive to do. Designers put their signature touches on shoes and bags, which make them more lust after. Christian Lo uboutins shoes have the signature red sole, Louis Vuitton may feature an LV and a Mulberry bag could carry their characteristic tree on the logo. To be seen with any of these items offers a instantaneous status that comes with it. Korea is now considered an epitome of such societies. When Korea was only beginning to industrialize, conspicuous consumption among most people can be said to be still tacit and defensive. An explicit display of conspicuous consumption was criticized for being impractical and imprudent, notwithstanding the persons social status. This trend is now gone. Today, many Korean people compete based on social stature and symbols, and this encouraged new patterns of consumption. Even during religious rituals, Koreans cannot help but compete with each other by showing off how many their goods are or expensive as a sign that they have higher status. Conspicuous consumption, behavior does not just exist within the leisure class, however throughout every class and individual in our society. The want to consume is nothing new, people work and live to consume, people are what they consume. As seen with celebrities today, they consume the best cars, the best clothes, the biggest houses. Veblen explains a man of wealth is the one who consumes without restrictions on anything. This type of consumption is what Veblen describes as conspicuous waste, the manner in which people dress is always seen and noticed, especially when celebrities are displaying them. With conspicuous consumption, the consumption and wealth must be displayed and noticed. Many celebrities, who are members of the leisure class, show off their homes, cars, clothes, and other items. Veblen argues this is harmful to our society, these luxuries and types of consumption are only for the leisure class, and one is expected to live this certain lifestyle in order to keep the ir standing in the leisure class. A man of the leisure class must consume certain goods and give away certain types of rewards or gifts to with hold his position within the leisure class. Koreans are very much in this phase right now, outpacing the Americans it seems. Koreans are proving that the emergence of the leisure class coincides with the beginning of ownership (Veblen 22). Before the early 20th century, Korea was ruled by the Yi Dynasty and had clear distinction of the class system with the ideologies of Confucian Tradition: In this context, women were a form of ownership. Women were seen as a status symbol, a trophy wife, for which men of the leisure class could own and show off. When we own people, we own material or production, so by owning something one can exploit his earnings. Like ownership, most women of the leisure class are considered vicarious leisure. Veblens vicarious leisure is defined as people who live the life as though they are a member of the leisure class however dont get all the material that comes with it because they are living through the wealthy. Throughout the barbarian stages, men were considered the breadwinner and worked while the women stayed at home while women were considered to live through their spouses. T he women of the household were not suppose to work and were expected to be more showy about their leisure than men, they were expected to be beautiful and represent the households wealth. Literature in the early 1980s showed that conspicuous consumption of products were positively linked to vulnerability to the influence of peers and the opinions of others. According to Bearden and Etzel (1982), conspicuous consumption is more likely when purchasing publicly consumed luxury products than privately consumed luxury products. Conspicuous consumption ate up a significant part of the income of the urban population compared to the rural population. Urban citizens are more concerned about their appearance and status, and are more susceptible to buying things that would serve the purpose, regardless of the cost. Discussion This study aims to understand the relation of conspicuous consumption and status competition in Korean women. This section explore the spending behavior of women in Korea, which are found as new phenomena under prosperity in South Korea after the 1997 financial crisis, hence post IMF period. Under current government forms and of Neo liberalism, we are able to recognize the irony that contest the very hegemonic idea of neo-liberalization, which is silent but hyper conscious in the minds of Korean women. This fact is elaborated in relation to the patriarchal ideology deeply rooted in the tradition (neo-Confucian) minds of Koreans and although times have moved on, the representation of body in Korean women in Korean society today remains valid. Here I am able to explore conspicuous consumption of the body as a whole, and how consumption on appearance is conceived in the minds of young women today. Implementation of appearance of Women in the Post-IMF, Neo-liberal Korean Society The transformations in post-IMF Korean society accorded with accelerated transition to a postmodern consumer society. An author proclaimed in 1999, The present Korean society is a heaven for consumers (Yoon 1999, 189), and the trend of consumption for self-distinction and expression of self-identities has been ever intensifying. Concerns over body in this era of culture became a widespread set of phenomena after the IMF crisis. Healthy lifestyles became a social trend in the 2000s when numerous self-help books were published to tell consumers how to pursue them. Women are increasingly drawn into consumption of not only of luxury consumption, but beauty products and care services as well. More women have been resorting to improve their appearances for which purpose smart or classy clothes and creative or original hair styles had been sufficient in earlier decades (Lee 2006, 73). Especially for young women, their gender and class statuses are estimated no longer primarily by their individual characters and resources, but rather by their appearance. Increasingly, Koreans of all ages and genders view their appearance as something that can be improved through ever developing. Not being fashionable or know

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The origin of hurricanes and predictability of hurricane tracks

Low pressure systems form at mid latitude temperate zones as a result of the convergence of warm and cold air masses. Low pressure systems generally form over the polar front where the polar maritime air (a cold air mass) and tropical maritime air (a warm air mass) meet. Air currents in this area within the Northern Hemisphere will flow counter-clockwise due to the rotation of the earth and surface friction. Air flows accumulate at the centre of the system, and the warm air rises because it is less dense, leading to low pressure at the surface. It contains more moisture than the polar maritime air and as a result, when it ascends, it condenses and produces clouds and rain. Cirrus type clouds are the first clouds that are usually created at this point. A circulation of air rotates in an anticlockwise motion due to the coriolis effect. The tropical maritime air swirls around the polar front, the system matures and eventually a warm and cold front is created. At the warm front, the warm air rises over the cold air, the cirrus clouds develop to be cirrostratus, altostratus and nimbostratus clouds which eventually will lead to heavy rain because of the condensation of the warm air. Towards the edge of the warm front, conditions are more stable and pressure stops decreasing as much. No longer is there so much condensation and therefore there is less rain. Polar maritime air is fast, dense, and strong. Eventually the air pushes in and forces the warm air off the ground, creating instability. The pressure increases, as the air ascends rapidly, cumulonimbus clouds form bringing in heavy rain and storms[1]. The cold front consists of heavier and denser air and displaces the warmer and lighter air, because of this, it moves faster than the warm front and it will ultimately catch up with it. Warm air is forced off the ground by the cold air, and once this happens, an occlusion is created. Uniform air begins to fill the gap between the warm front and the cold front and this is where the low pressure system begins to die away. At tropical latitudes, if sea surface temperatures are above 27 degrees c[2], then the low pressure system will grow. If the conditions are right, tropical thunderstorms may develop to become a hurricane. Low pressure systems often begin to rotate around a central area of low pressure. This is known as a tropical depression, if the depression increases in intensity so that winds reach at least 39 mph, it's categorised as a tropical storm. If wind speeds reach and average of 74 mph[3], it known as tropical cyclone or hurricane. Hurricanes/ tropical cyclones mainly develop in the region between 10 and 20 degrees North of the equator (Goldenberg, 2001). When a storm grows to become a hurricane/tropical cyclone, it is described as a non-frontal low pressure system[4] and can reach up to 340 miles across in diameter[5]. Hurricanes absorb energy from the warm water of the ocean, and a thunderstorm will continue to grow so long as there is a fuel source i. e a supply of moist air and heat. This source is normally found above the water in tropical waters. When the heat supply is cut off i. when the hurricane begins to migrate northwards (or southwards), over colder water, it will weaken and die away. Heat from the oceans is the primary source of energy for hurricanes, [6]and so, the greater the heat of the SST [7]the more intense and frequent hurricanes in that area will be (Goldenberg, et al, 2001). Hurricanes don't usually develop far inland due to the lack of moisture. [8] If there is no moisture, then clouds are not likely to form. Cloud formation results in the generation of latent heat. Latent heat is the heat needed to initiate a change of phase i. to a state of higher energy, e. g. from solid to liquid, or liquid to gas, in this context though, it's from liquid to a gas. As clouds are not generated as much, then not much latent heat is released. the majority of hurricanes originate and stay within the oceans, though they do occasionally travel inland, and the effects they can have on the environment, society and on the economy of the affected area are potentially devastating. The coriolis effect, which is a product of the earth's rotation is the reason that storms rotate and why a hurricane has a typical swirling formation. The rotation of the storm causes air to be drawn into the extreme low pressure at the centre (eye) of the storm. As the air rotates, the air ascends. The rising air is very moist, the higher the altitude, the colder the temperature, and so, it condenses forming clouds. Hurricanes aren't found within 0-5 degrees north and south of the equator ((300 miles (500 kilometers)) of the equator because the coriolis effect is at its weakest at this point, so the storm doesn't have enough spin, and there isn't enough force to maintain low pressure in the centre of the system. Meteorologists can predict hurricanes in two main ways : through the use of seasonal probabilities and tracking of hurricanes that are in existence at a current point of time using modelling techniques[9]. Annually, scientists work out how many storms are likely to develop into hurricanes/tropical storms and they also calculate how many are likely to make landfall. Using statistical techniques such as CLIPER[10], past data, and by sending aeroplanes into the centre of storms they can determine wind speeds, temperatures and can predict the intensity of a hurricane, and how many people it is likely to affect. Many scientists try and determine the paths of hurricanes, and it's a difficult duty because not all hurricanes have defined paths, however; the typical characteristics and properties of the weather and ocean in a specific area allow scientists to have a rough idea to which path a hurricane is likely to follow. If the path is predicted then warning and protection can be provided for those that could potentially be affected and this is the best way to prevent a social, economic and environmental disaster from happening. Hurricanes form in various areas depending on the various times of the hurricane season (Reading, 1990). Tracks can be predicted efficiently however, accuracy seems to be an issue in many cases. Models have become more accurate (NOAA,2004) and prediction techniques have improved (Aberson,2001), however there is still a large uncertainty and error is still an issue. It is easier to predict exactly where a hurricane is going to make landfall the closer to landfall the storm is. So the further the hurricane is away from land, the more error there is when trying to work out its path (NOAA,2004). This is mainly due to natural changes in the storms physical characteristics. It has been determined by NOAA, that, 5 days before landfall there is an average of 350 miles of error, and one day before landfall there is a 100 mile error, [11]which is a major problem because a difference of that mileage could determine whether or not whole cities or villages need to be evacuated or not, and if there is an error, it could be devastating.